The Honorary Life Award is granted to individuals who have made significant and meaningful contributions to the field of environmental health and safety as a member of CSHEMA. Recipients receive membership to CSHEMA and complimentary conference registrations for life.
Deadline for award submissions is March 31, 2024.
Submit a Honorary Life Award Nomination HERE
Recipients of this award are those who have made significant contributions for many years to safety, health, and the environment and have, changed job responsibilities, or other extenuating circumstances that they are no longer employed at a member university or college in an Environmental Health & Safety Program. Their service to the Association has resulted in substantial contributions and significant, meaningful accomplishments toward achieving the goals and objectives of CSHEMA.
To be eligible to receive the award, the following requirements must be met:
- The nominee must have been a member in good standing of CSHEMA for a minimum of 10 years.
- The nominee must have contributed significantly to higher education safety, health, and environmental protection through their participation in CSHEMA.
- The nominee must be retired and/or have changed job responsibilities or other extenuating circumstances such that they are no longer employed at a member university or college in an Environmental Health & Safety Program.
- The complete application must accompany a narrative about the nominee’s accomplishments that can be read at the award ceremony. The narrative should be no more than three pages using a minimum font size of 12 points, double-spaced. Screenshots and photos may be included.
- Submission of a complete application by March 31, 2024.
Submit a Honorary Life Award Nomination HERE
Use the Individual Awards Submission Form to nominate someone for the Honorary Life Award.
- Important Note: The form is created in Google Forms and requires you to log into a Google account prior to submitting an application.
- If you have any difficulty using the form, please contact the CSHEMA Central Office via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.