CSHEMA Laboratory Safety Week Awards seek to honor the efforts of higher education institutions in promoting CSHEMA’s laboratory safety week through marketing and engagement initiatives. Awards will be provided for each EHS department size (small, medium and large).  

Deadline for award submissions is March 31, 2025.

Submit a Laboratory Safety Week Award Application - coming soon

This award is given for distinction in an institution’s efforts in promotion of CSHEMA’s 2025 Laboratory Safety Week (February 10-14, 2025) .

Promotion of Laboratory Safety Week generally includes multiple actions and pieces of media used over a period of time. Deployment strategy, integration of quality media and mediums, message clarity, creativity, and originality will be considered as important attributes in determining the excellence of an institution’s efforts.

Submissions for this award should include:

  • Copy of media
  • Summary of the institution’s initiative for the promotion of CSHEMA’s 2025 Laboratory Safety Week  highlighting the attributes described above (no more than one, double-spaced page using a minimum font size of 12 point).
Submit a Laboratory Safety Week Award Application - coming soon

Use the Laboratory Safety Week Award Application Form to submit an application.

  • Important Note: The application form is created in Google Forms and requires you to log into a Google account prior to submitting an application.
  • If you have any difficulty using the form, please contact the CSHEMA Central Office.

CSHEMA offers a $3,000 scholarship (and a waiver to attend the CSHEMA annual conference) to encourage the study of environmental and occupational health, safety, and related disciplines. The program is open to all college undergraduate students preferably enrolled in majors geared toward an EHS career (such as, but not limited to, environmental science, fire protection, health physics, industrial engineering, industrial hygiene, occupational health, safety, etc.) enrolled in 12 credit hours per semester, trimester, or quarter...

CSHEMA Innovation Awards seek to honor the innovative business and financial administration achievements of higher education institutions of each EHS department size (small, medium and large).  There are three Innovation Award Categories institutions can apply for: Process Improvement, Resource Enhancement, and Safety Culture. 

Deadline for award submissions is March 31, 2024.

Submit an Innovation Award Application HERE

For each Innovation Award, judges evaluate:

  • A specific safety project and its ability to improve health and safety concerns
  • Scope of project including cost to implement, method of implementation, and cost effectiveness
  • Organization and presentation of material for evaluation
  • Flexibility of the program to be adapted at other institutions
  • Additional information as requested below for each category

Categories of Awards

Process Improvement Innovation Award

This award recognizes:

  • Successfully designed or re-engineered programs; 
  • Innovative methods of training or educational courses; and/or
  • Improved service delivery methods in response to a campus need.

Applications for the Process Improvement Innovation Award should supply the following additional material (as appropriate):

  • Number of attendees/percentage of required attendees
  • Observable and quantifiable changes in behavior (e.g., 75% fewer needle sticks) 
Resource Enhancement Innovation Award

This award recognizes EHS programs that have:

  • Reduced costs; and/or  
  • Increased revenues; and/or
  • Improved environment; and/or;
  • Developed/created sustainability initiatives in response to campus needs.

Those that apply for the Resource Enhancement Innovation Award should provide the following additional material(s) with their submission (as appropriate):: 

  • Data showing measurable and documented monetary savings; and/or 
  • Data showing measurable and documented reduction in impact to the environment.
Safety Culture Innovation Award

This award recognizes institutional practices of faculty, staff, and students that promote a culture of safety.

Applications for the Safety Culture Innovation Award should include the following additional information with their submission:

  • Faculty, staff, and student names and titles;
  • Summary of the safety specific problem and impact on the institution;
  • A description of how safety was incorporated into the project/program;
  • A description of the success of faculty, staff, and student buy-in;
  • Observable and quantifiable changes in institutional safety culture; and
  • Lessons learned that could be transferred to other Institutions and help facilitate others in this initiative.
Submit an Innovation Award Application HERE

Use the Innovation Award Application Form to submit an application for any of the above categories. 

  • Important Note: The application form is created in Google Forms and requires you to log into a Google account prior to submitting an application.

If you have any difficulty using the form, please contact the CSHEMA Central Office via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Recognizes campuses that have implemented comprehensive marketing and communications programs, campaigns, or single media initiatives to promote EHS to their communities...