EPA TSCA Methylene Chloride Resources 

In April 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule regulating methylene chloride  (CAS# 75-09-2, also identified as dichloromethane or DCM) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).  This rule prohibits most uses of methylene chloride and products that contain 0.1% or more of this chemical, while allowing for select uses under a comprehensive Workplace Chemical Protection Program (WCPP). Significant action by EHS professionals at colleges and universities is required to achieve compliance with this rule. 

A special CSHEMA work group, composed of academic safety and industrial hygiene leaders from across the country, has been working to develop a resource toolkit for all member institutions. These documents are designed for customization to help member institutions effectively meet their compliance obligations.

The Methylene Chloride Toolkit includes: