CSHEMA Marketing and Communications Awards seek to honor the achievements of CSHEMA member institutions of each EHS department size (small, medium and large). There are three categories: Single Media, Campaign, and Comprehensive EHS Marketing and Communications Program.

Deadline for award submissions is March 31, 2024.

Submit a 2024 Marketing & Communications Awards application HERE

Categories of Awards

Single Media Award

Submissions for this category should be single pieces of media created and used by an institution for a specific purpose. These pieces are generally considered stand-alone items. Examples include an issue of a newsletter, printed advertisement, poster, signage, video, brochure, mailer, webpage, T-shirt, promotional item, etc.

Submissions for this award must include: 

  • Copy of the single media 
  • Summary of the media’s intended purpose (no more than one double-spaced page using a minimum font size of 12 point)
Campaign Award

This award is given for excellence in marketing and communication for a comprehensive EHS campaign. Campaigns generally include multiple actions and pieces of media used over a defined period of time.

Attributes of a campaign:

  • Identifies one or more target audiences 
  • Identifies audience attitudes about the health and safety issue 
  • Identifies the desired behavior change/modification/reinforcement of the audience 
  • Utilizes more than one media/medium
  • Occurs over a time period

Strategy, measures of success, integration of media and mediums, creativity, and design excellence will be considered as important attributes in determining the excellence of the campaign. 

Submissions for this award should include: 

  • Copies of media used
  • Summary of the campaign’s intended purpose and how the campaign meets the attributes described above (no more than one double-spaced page using a minimum font size of 12 points)
Comprehensive EHS Marketing and Communications Program Award

This highest level marketing and communications award recognizes excellence in a comprehensive program of marketing and communications. This award includes the defined, planned, and ongoing marketing and communication activities that support and enhance the functionality of an EHS organizational unit.

Attributes of a program should include: 

  • Comprehensive strategic marketing plan that utilizes all six elements of marketing, showing how all integrated into the whole plan:
    • Price 
    • Product 
    • Promotion 
    • Place 
    • Policy 
    • Partnerships
  • Application of the four elements of branding, showing how each related to the program strategy and plan objective:
    • Organization 
    • Product 
    • Person 
    • Visual image 
  • Program should include methods of measurement of the impact and results (metrics) of the program, either qualitative or quantitative (preferably quantitative).

Submissions for this award should include: 

  • Copies of media used 
  • Summary of EHS marketing and communications program and how it meets the attributes described above (no more than five double-spaced pages using a minimum font size of 12 points)
Submit a Marketing and Communications Award Application HERE

Use the Marketing and Communications Award Application Form to submit an application for any of the above categories. 

  • Important Note: The application form is created in Google Forms and requires you to log into a Google account prior to submitting an application.
  • If you have any difficulty using the form, please contact the CSHEMA Central Office via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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